Death & Doom metal party – два дни по-късно

In two words – I am disappointed! Well, they’re three of them..but that’s not the point..
I’m not disappointed of the bands, no, they were great! But all that “fans” of  doom and death metal, who didn’t come to see how things work. Doom is not very popular in Bulgaria and now I have strong proof about that. But DEATH?! 40% from the people I know listen to alternative rock or power and etc. Around 70% listen to death, thrash or black metal. So, I am asking – where were these fans two days ago?! But enough with my disappointment.

Extremely good death! I’m not such as big fan but the blew me away. Bass playerFelipe, took part with his scream vocals next to Juliano (Guitars and Lead Vocals). Well, Felipe, has a really fast right hand so nothing could stop it! I haven’t seen such kind of playing before..But what impressed me the most was the drummer – Gilson. He did nothing wrong and although his thin body, his hands were very strong! Not like some other drummer who made mistakes even when they’re shooting a DVD…Only Edilson (Guitars) was faceless in some point… Sodamned they came and blew us away!

Pain of Soul
What can I say – extremely good doom! I’m not a fan of female vocals but this one made really nice impression to me. Daniele – the female vocalist mixed classic and opera capably. Joel (Vocals and Guitars) also had his faster and rough voice. The whole music was more interesting than Sodamned’s one but this was made by the style, too. The other guitar player – Peter, was like came out from 70s – the hair, the beard, pants and shirt…It was pleasure not only to listened to his music but to watch him standing there! The bass was Felipe again so that made the band and the fans 8 to 8. And another strong word for the drummer – Luiz. Very good. Apart from the slow parts, typical for doom style, there were a lot of  speed drum solos during the songs.

I was there and blown away. Who weren’t there…well, they weren’t blown away…

  1. #1 написан от FACEPALM HEADSHOT! (преди 12 години)

    Човече…няма такива грешки! ВъздЪРВЯЙ се вече да пишеш за деД метъл концерти в б(?!)ългария. Относно SODAMNED – те са далеч от всякаква концепция за „ъндърграунд“ дет метъл. Каква „ъндърграунд“ публика очакваш тогава?

  2. #2 написан от ? (преди 12 години)


    А какво означава дед?

  3. #3 написан от дичко (преди 12 години)

    кво ме триете бе дишакли кат то друг ж тоя саит не пише не чете буу

  4. #4 написан от Blacky (преди 12 години)

    Да, сайтът съществува единствено и само заради теб – трябва да имаш поле, на което да ни озариш с безмерната си грамотност и ерудиция…

  5. #5 написан от дичко (преди 12 години)

    не знам що ги пишете тия ттъпотий и кво ме еронизирате кат казвам истината аз гледам дали пише за рок музика нали а то тука само за разни смехорани има

  6. #6 написан от Blacky (преди 12 години)

    я посочи кое не е рок от изброените ?

  7. #7 написан от Torden (преди 12 години)

    Do not feed the troll

  8. #8 написан от дичко (преди 12 години)

    бе тва са разни измислени групи и стилове бачо Васил от Михайложград кат бях малък ме е научил какво е рок ама наистина да кажеш брян джонсан да се опне на стадиона или лемито у моторхет кис да кажем мотлито а не разни из под мазатата

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