Чуйте бонус парчето на CYNIC

CYNIC пуснаха бонус парче към актуалния си албум Kindly Bent To Free Us, неговото име е Earth Is My Witness и върви към боксета на групата. По-долу можете да намерите и текста на песента.

Tell me father mother unborn
Flesh and blood growing cold
Ashes from every bone will
Dissolve into the air

Tell me jury soldier and king
Holy sentiment sing
Rivers flow backwards to you
And give to us some strength

Every sinking sun
We’re clawing at the door
Every beating drum
There’s noise we can’t ignore

I’m staring right at the gates
Shipwreck banter undulates
This chemistry endangers me
These precious strains are burning static
Weather beaten
War flames feeding
Burial grounds
Secrets shout
Then Pleiades shone from the east
To tell me
The earth is my witness

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