Obsidian Sea
Начало: 2 окт. 2022 - 00:00
Град: София
Място: клуб Mixtape 5
Цена: 15 / 20 лв
Билети: ТУК
На 2 октомври дуум триото ще се качи на голямата сцена на столичния клуб, за да представи четвъртия си албум Pathos. Актуалното дългосвирещо издание е второ за култовия американски лейбъл Ripple Music, дом на банди като Yawning Man, Wo Fat, Mothership, Fatso Jetson, великия Scott „Wino“ Weinrich и много други.
Obsidian Sea ще изпълни за първи път на живо песните от Pathos, който вече можете да откриете на плоча в редица музикални магазини в София. Тавата излезе официално на 2 февруари и добрите отзиви от десетки специализирани музикални медии не закъсняха, включително забележителното 5то място в Doom Charts Top 40.
Освен че ще имаме възможност да чуем традиционен дуум от предходните им издания, няма да се разминем и без някоя и друга специална изненада.
Билети на цена 15 лева са в продажба в системата на bilet.bg, както и на касите на Fast Pay и магазини На Тъмно. На входа на клуба в деня на концерта билетите ще струват 20 лева. https://bilet.bg/bg/events/obsidian-sea-predstavia-pathos/3440
Антон Аврамов – вокали и китара
Божидар Първанов – барабани
Делян Караиванов – бас
Другите за Pathos:
A decade after their debut, one wouldn’t expect any less from Obsidian Sea, but even with that consideration, their songwriting has never reached further or come through with such cohesion. They’d already figured out who they want to be as a band. This is them refining their own definition of what they do.
~ JJ Koczan (The Obelisk)
Cool vocal melodies retro 70’s rock with bursts of psychedelia. Is that what’s going on with Obsidian Sea? I guess in a really over simplified way it is. They get the cool riffs going then really expand on things in a very pleasant way. Always returning to the verses very smoothly. They can get aggressive but it never feels angry. I mean, they just have a “vibe” that makes for a really enjoyable listening experience. A vibe that is unique. The album almost feels “retro-progessive” sometimes. It’s heavy but always smooth.
~ Jim Thompson (Doom Charts)
OBSIDIAN SEA is not listed as a Sludge/Doom, but the influence is undeniable. Their tones and pacing are dark, brooding, and mysterious. Their harmonies are superb, layering in vocal tones that flow together in waves of sonic bliss that carry the listener on a raft of sound. The overall effect is a bit of a conflict between the beauty of the voices and the beast of the tones. They work together in ways that are surprising only because it seems like they should not go together, but they do, magically.
~ Kevin Lewis (Metal Temple)
Obsidian Sea has seen some neat evolution since they formed in 2009, rooted in Saint Vitus-esque Traditional Doom and gradually picking up a more laid back, Psychedelic disposition ala Orodruin, Pale Divine, and Kings Destroy. Their fourth album, Pathos (Ripple Music), pushes the trajectory forward even further with the hazy overtones threatening to completely overtake the Doom riffage. Fortunately, it’s a natural transition as the guitars keep an organic vibe, the vocals are pleasantly workmanlike, and the structures allow for plenty of jammed out instrumental segments.
~ Chris Latta (Ghost Cult Magazine)
Overall Pathos is an excellent album with three musicians on top of their game and all pulling in the same direction.
~ Maxx (The Sleeping Shaman)
The band’s definitely got its avant garde hat on here. It’s nigh impossible to predict where the album is going the first time you hear it, much less describe how it all breaks down musically, but that’s half the fascination with Obsidian Sea. They’re full of surprises. And that seems to be the point of the record, as the band encourages us to wonder more and to wander while we’re doing it. Let your inner curiosity cat loose to prowl for a while, for so much awaits your discovery.
~ Billy Goate (Doomed & Stoned)
Keep an ear out for Obsidian Sea, who’s not just your classic go-to Doom band, but the one that can lure you in, and keep your interest.
~ Mr. Stone (More Fuzz)