Интервю със Sakis (ROTTING CHRIST)

Interview with the frontman of ROTTING CHRIST Sakis Tolis, few hours before their gig in Sofia on 5 May 2011.

Sakis, Rotting Christ

I can’t hide that I am so happy to see you on our land once again! Tell me how do you feel?

Feel very nice! After so many shows all around the world, we  finally feel like playing home. We are very close to our home and we feel very great.

First I want to ask you why didn’t you come in Bulgaria last year? We all thought that you would visit us in 2010.

Because nobody asked us. Well, ok they asked, but… Unfortunately we have expenses, you know… Someone want to bring a band, they have to pay for accommodation, transportation, stuff like that. So sometimes it is not possible to come. But finally we came and this is very positive.

Actually all the fans in Bulgaria thought that you didn’t come because you broke a leg.

Yes, actually I broke my leg and I missed around 20 shows and few festivals… But this is not the reason… Did we have an arrangement to visit Bulgaria last year?!? No.

No, but there were rumors about it.

Oh no, no, no! I had broken my leg, but I cancelled the South American tour, nothing more!

This is your 5th visit in our country, am I right?

Probably it is so, you know better! (smiling)

What makes you coming back here again and again?

As I told you before – I feel like playing home, you know. And it’s part of the tour. We are very satisfied, we are very happy when we play in Bulgaria! And it looks like we have a lot of fans here. They like our band.

You are a band for more than 20 years. What keeps you together?

Maybe, I am very much into our music. I am very dedicated to what I’m doing. Probably the reason is that I have dedicated my life into metal music. That’s what still keep me alive and make me creating and playing music.

A week ago you posted a video of people protesting against Rotting Christ. I am a bit shocked. How is that possible nowadays? Is this just because of the name?

Yes, It is all about name. And this was not the only protest – there were many ones. This is America. People America are different. They express themselves differently and because of that we had some troubles with those guys. But in the end no one cared because our music is very important to us.

For 20 years you changed your sound a lot. Most people remember you with your dark, black metal period with albums like “Non Serviam”, “Triarchy Of The Lost Lovers”… Why you changed the direction with “Theogonia” and “AEALO”?

For 20 years we have created 11 albums and I am very anxious person, a person that is always seeking for new things in my life. So I try to change a little bit my style, experimenting actually. This is how I feel. But I’m not changing the general direction – that’s the most important thing. If you listen to “Theogonia”, you will find out that it is much more aggressive album than “Non Serviam”. At the end even if I change and experiment a little bit in my career during the years, I will still keep my melody and the style of Rotting Christ.

“AEALO” is your most sensual album. What inspired you to make it?

I believe it was Ancient Greece. I don’t mean ethnical, but it’s just Ancient Greece culture that inspired.

In this album we can hear traditional Greek vocals. Why did you decide to put something like that?

These are polyphonic wires. Sounds like Bulgarian too.

Because I counted some spots in our music. Some Greek elements, some Balkan elements if I can say.

Was that your idea?

Yes. I would like to mark our music, just to say: “We are Rotting Christ, we are from Greece, and we are from the Balkans”. We play metal but we try to put our own ideas and identity into it.

While you were recorning the album there were rumors here that you wanted to include traditional Bulgarian motives in the songs. Was that true?

Yes, how do you know this? It is true.

Why did not happen?

Because of the money. It was very expensive to bring the Bulgarian choir in Greece, the accommodation, fly tickets… Maybe we will do something like this in the future. Because I like Bulgarian music and folk motives. You know, polyphonics and choirs remind me a lot of Northern Greece’s. It is somehow related to Ancient Greece. So I like it very much. I think that it fits well the whole atmosphere of the album. This is my opinion.

Which is your favorite Rotting Christ album?

Oh, don’t say that, please! It’s like you have 11 kids. How to choose one?

But you must have one that you love more than the others!

Actually, you know, I respect more “Thy Mighty Contract”. Because it was really bombastic album for the time. When we released it back in 1993 everyone was talking about this album. And I believe it has inspired most of the new black metal bands, all around the world.

Most of your fans and music critics were saying that “Theogonia” is the highest pick in your career. Now they think the same about “AEALO”. In some previous interview you were saying: “If I do not have anything new to say, I will definitely split up the band.” Is that serious?

Of course! (stone face) Why should I release albums when I don’t feel like? I’m not a person who likes to suck with people. I mean, just to write music, just to get out some minor stuff. I am very emotional person. I like very much not to obsess myself to see if I have something to say. If I have something to say – I go ahead! If not – I will quit! But believe me, I have too many things to say. I’ve already started thinking for a new album. So that means I am still an acting person that would like to make something new.

Except this, what else can make you split the band?

Only health problems! And mental problems – maybe I will get crazy eventually! Oh, don’t laugh! (he’s laughing too) I’ve played in so many shows and so much stuff. Sometimes I feel like… You know!

Some people compare you with Septicflesh. What do you think about that?

What do you mean “compare”?

Well… Let’s say that especially for Greece: I mean which band is more popular – Rotting Christ or Septicflesh?

Oh, no! I don’t care who’s the famous one. We all do our job and both bands are doing it well. So there is no competition between us!

All of you have a side projects. I’ve always wondered why someone plays in side projects?

Because sometimes when I have time… When I used to have time back in the days, I wanted to express myself somehow different. Maybe in the future when I have time I would like to create something by myself. Maybe… I have this in my plan. So, stay tuned! And there is no competition here too!

With all that recordings, touring and stuff like that, do you have enough time for yourself, your family?

No! No! Nothing! When I am back home I take care of my daughter. But I am back home just for few days… I was two months on the stage in the USA. Then I was back for 7 days. What can you do in 7 days? And now I am back here touring again, some festivals right after…

How your family takes that?

It’s hard! You don’t have a normal personal life. That’s the problem. A big problem actually. You can easily be in divorce; you can easily have problems with your family…

How is the Eastern Europe tour going ‘till now?

Very good, very nice! There are many people every night, the people are getting very enthusiastic. And hope the same will happen here tonight! Even if I’ve heard some strange rumors that in Bulgaria they don’t pull people… But we will do our best!

What songs will we hear tonight, except the new ones from “AEALO”? How do you choose which songs to play?

Oh, don’t tell me that! I got a headache! We have 11 albums, more that 120 songs. What can I say… It’s very hard when we have to choose the set list. But we try to include songs from most of our albums. The best ones. You will see, you will hear tonight!

This is the last part of the “AEALO” tour. What’s next?

Festivals, only. And then – one year, at least, off! Which means that I have to write some new stuff. I have to be concentrated, to see if I have to write something new. I will go on with a new album. It will be a very big thing for me. I have to think a lot!

Do you have something in mind?

I have something but I can not tell you. Really.

Oh, I don’t want you to tell me. It’s enough to hear that you are already inspired and won’t split the band! (huge smiling)

Who say that?

You said if you don’t get inspired, you will spit up the band!

But I told you – I have a lot of energy. I will not split up the band. No, no! If I split up the band I will commit suicide! I’m doing that 25 years!!! I would like to be very honest with the people. If I don’t care about music I will not write new albums. Why, what for? Just because of money? No way!

Thanks for the great interview!

Thank you too! See you inside later! Horns Up!

Rotting Christ - 05.05.2011, Sofia
